Salute to Service

Without the many brave men and women who have served our country, many of the freedoms we cherish today would not be possible. With Veterans Day on November 11, core will be featuring some of the former service members we have working at Road Machinery & Supplies Co. throughout the month. Thank you for serving our country and being a part of our team. Steve Meyer Field Technician - Sioux City branch What branch did you serve? US Army How long did you serve? 20 years What was your role/rank/job? Motor Sergeant, 12 mechanics with different MOS under my direction. Rank was Sergeant First Class. What are some memories from your time in the service? Met my wife in Germany in 1981, we got married in 1984 and started our family. I also worked with Axl Rose, the lead singer of Guns 'n' Roses while stationed in Amberg, Germany the first time, and Nuremberg, Germany, the seco...